“Open Link” now recognizes craftdocs: and x-devonthink-item: as URL schemes.Fixed capturing HTML from Chrome, Edge and Opera.Option to make PopClip appear above or below the text.Option to display the Cut, Copy and Paste actions as icons.Choose a second spelling language in prefs, to check spelling in two languages at once.Fix: Not appearing in Firefox in some situations.Fix: Incorrect tooltip text when hovering over buttons.Please install the updated extension from here. Fix: Paste and Match Style extension not appearing.Improved compatibility with Electron-based apps such as Discord and VS Code.Made the "small" popup size a little more compact.Option to automatically set the dark/light appearance of the PopClip bar to match the system.You can now set a system-wide keyboard shortcut to trigger PopClip to appear.Allows Formatting extension to work in Visual Studio Code.Recognises the new DuckDuckGo browser for performing web searches.(Now you can Word Count the complete Shakespeare.) PopClip can now appear for very large selections - up to 10 million characters.