These photos have location tags, which you can use to quickly view all photos within the same location. On the All Photos view, photos taken within a single date are grouped together. (You edit tags by adding or removing them.) Type a new tag or select the x next to a tag to remove it.

Sometimes it makes mistakes, but you can remove or edit the tags for a photo. OneDrive automatically creates tags for things it recognizes. To disable optimization on your iOS device, tap Settings > iCloud > Photos and uncheck Optimize Storage. Outside of work, Manuel enjoys a good film or TV show, loves to travel, and you will find him roaming one of Berlin's many museums, cafés, cinemas, and restaurants occasionally.OneDrive cannot upload photos optimized for iCloud. This helps him gain perspective on the mobile industry at large and gives him multiple points of reference in his coverage.

Since then, he has mostly been faithful to the Google phone lineup, though these days, he is also carrying an iPhone in addition to his Pixel phone.

After his HTC One S refused to connect to mobile internet despite three warranty repairs, he quickly switched to a Nexus 4, which he considers his true first Android phone. Manuel's first steps into the Android world were plagued by issues.

He isn't shy to dig into technical backgrounds and the nitty-gritty developer details, either. Manuel studied Media and Culture studies in Düsseldorf, finishing his university career with a master's thesis titled "The Aesthetics of Tech YouTube Channels: Production of Proximity and Authenticity." His background gives him a unique perspective on the ever-evolving world of technology and its implications on society. He has been covering tech news and reviewing devices since joining Android Police as a news writer in 2019. Manuel Vonau is Android Police's Google Editor, with expertise in Android, Chrome, and other Google products - the very core of Android Police’s content.